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Gut-Brain Axis in Epilepsy: Introduction

Gut-Brain Axis in Epilepsy: Introduction

Gut-Brain Axis in Epilepsy,dari ketogenic diet ke fecal transplant..Sebelumnya si Cip sekedar baca-baca sekilas ttg gut-brain axis (GBA) dalam gangguan neuro, terutama Parkinson. Ini pertama kalinya si Cip nyimak topik GBA in epilepsy.Awalnya ngebahas epilepsy secara umum, lalu drug resistance epilepsy (DRE), hipotesis2 terjadinya DRE,  alternatif terapi DRE, diet ketogenic (DK), lalu masuk ke GBA, … Continue reading

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“More than any other organ, it is the nervous system that makes human beings special. The human central nervous system (CNS), smaller and weighing less than most desktop computers, is the most complex and elegant computing device that exists. It receives and interprets an immense array of sensory information, controls a variety of simple and complex motor behaviors, and engages inductive and deductive logic. The brain can make complex decisions, think creatively, and feel emotions. It can generalize and possesses an elegant ability to recognize that cannot be reproduced by even advanced mainframe computers. It can carry out many of these demanding tasks in a nearly simultaneous manner.” [Stephen G. Waxman, Clinical Neuroanatomy, 26th ed, Lange-McGraw Hill]

Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny? [Ar Rahmaan : 13]
